God, I Want to Ask You

Seven Questions When Facing Death

In Appreciation

Without the help and encouragement of many people, this work would not have seen the light of day. Among these are Kathy Budnie, Ginny Boyle, and Anne Rosensteel who patiently read and edited copy, David McCasland who shared the insights and encouragement of a seasoned writer, Gayle Holden Cook who courageously and unselfishly shared from her experience, and Dr. Ralph Richardson of Bible Alive Ministries who enthusiastically endorsed the publication of this material.

Thanks, too, to friends from across the country whose love has helped us fight the good fight. Special thanks to the congregation of Church of the Open Door, Fayetteville, North Carolina, for staying beside us as we walk the valley. Once I was their pastor; forever I am their friend.

Great thanks to my wife, Susan, who encouraged me to keep writing when I felt like quitting. Throughout my illness, she has been a brick. To her I dedicate this book.

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